Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

August 23 Photos

I didn't sort through these photos and pick out the good ones- didn't have time. So forgive the bad ones.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Here are some pictures from last night...

August 23

Yep, it's still real- he's still here. We let him stay in the nursery last night except when he came in for feedings. I just wheeled him into our room and he is really sleepy. We've already seen 3 of the doctors in her practice- they all wanted to come by and say hey. This experience has definitely affirmed to us that we chose the right practice.

Side note: I forgot to put his weight and length last night. He weighed 7 lb, 9 oz and was 21 3/4" long. He's not a small fellow.

Will be adding some more pictures soon.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clayton's not coming... He's Here!

Been a while since my last post, but as you can imagine, a lot has happened since Heather got to 10 cm. She pushed for 2 hours on the nose- I am amazed at her endurance. The little fellow didn't want to come out yet. After a lot of pushing and coaxing, he finally entered this world at 7:58 PM, August 22. He is amazing. As of right now, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, but I guess that's subject to change. He has a distinctive little cry. Some folks say he looks like me; some say a combination of the two of us. I think he looks like his cousin Carter.

10 cm !

We are now 10cm, so we are about to start pushing. She is still at a -1 station, so it might be a while. Thanks for your prayers- keep it up! Will post a further update when I can.


Heather is progressing, but very, very slowly. She is at 8 cm, but still at a -1 station. Even though the progression is small, any progression is good and keeps the c-section option off the table (for the time being). Keep praying for us and for endurance for Heather. Clayton continues to keep doing well during the intense contractions.

New nurse...

Shannon left at 4:00 and now we have Courtney. She will only be here until 5:00, so we will get a new nurse then, too.


Well, a big praise- Clayton is now at a -1 station and Heather is now 7 to 7.5 cm. Previously, her contractions were just not sufficient to progress the labor, so with close monitoring, they increased the Pitocin level (making sure that Clayton stays safe in the process) and when Dr. Ross came in, he has seen some good improvement. So a c-section isn't necessary right now. He is coming back down to check on her around 4:30, so hopefully she will have continued to make some progression. Thank you all for your prayers.

Uncle Cush is here

More photos...

GiGi and G-Daddy

Bryan and Angie stopped by

Me, the geek, tirelessly updating the blog...

More friends...

Susanna and DJ, friends and former co-workers with Heather at OBGYN South, stopped by to check on Heather. They are both hilarious, and were a welcomed visit.


Heather still hasn't progressed anymore. Dr. Ross is going to come back at 3:00 and evaluate the situation then. They are more closely monitoring the contractions to see if they are productive and are going to see if she needs any more Pitocin. Pray that she starts to progress more. So far, Clayton and Momma are both doing well- his heart beat seems to continue to be very steady.

Not progressing much right now...

Heather is still 6-7 cm and at a -2 station. Apparently Clayton is not wanting to come out right now. Dr. Ross is going to come check her in another hour or hour and a half and see if he's made any progress.

Dr. Ross

This is Dr. Ross, Heather's doc. He's been great this whole time.

Fun with family and friends

It's been great having folks stop by this morning...


We just made it to 6.5 cm, so we keep progressing.


Heather is 5 cm at this point.


Just got the epidural. Momma is really sleepy now.

6:30 - 7:00

We are at the hospital ready to go. Dr. Ross broke Heather's water and she is 4.5 cm and at a -2 station. The doctor said that she can have her epidural as soon as she wants it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

will be posting labor and delivery updates here

check back for updates in the morning...