Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clayton's not coming... He's Here!

Been a while since my last post, but as you can imagine, a lot has happened since Heather got to 10 cm. She pushed for 2 hours on the nose- I am amazed at her endurance. The little fellow didn't want to come out yet. After a lot of pushing and coaxing, he finally entered this world at 7:58 PM, August 22. He is amazing. As of right now, he has blonde hair and blue eyes, but I guess that's subject to change. He has a distinctive little cry. Some folks say he looks like me; some say a combination of the two of us. I think he looks like his cousin Carter.


Clay said...

Thanks Deb! Yours will come soon enough! It's so exciting.

étatDame said...

Congratulations! Hope you guys can get some rest now! How much did he weigh and measure??

étatDame said...

Congratulations, and I hope we can meet little Clayton soon. Hope all is well on your side of the ocean.


Evan Travers said...

Praise the Lord! That's wonderful. Get some rest...

Angie Davis said...

we are so happy that he is here, and that you all are doing well! he is already so beautiful.
we all hope you are getting some rest (although I'm sure the definition of that word is already changing!).

becca said...

congratulations - he is so cute! i can't wait to meet him.

Jim Pattillo said...

So excited for y'all. We are going to stop by toward the end of lunch, perhaps 1:00 or so. I'll text you when we head that way.